Backpacking to Iran (Highlights)


Tatkala orang disekeliling mempersoalkan kenapa aku nak ke Iran? Nak jadi syiah ke? Aku hanya tersenyum penuh makna. Iran atau lebih mesra dipanggil Persia, lebih banyak cerita negatif yang disebarkan oleh mainstream media terutamanya media dari barat. Tapi aku rasa aku berhak tahu the real Iran from my own perspective.

So, here I come!

Golestan Palace, Tehran

Azadi Tower, Tehran

Imam Mosque, Isfahan

Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan

Jameh Mosque. Yazd

Hostel rooftop view

Nasir Al-Molk Mosque


Picture was taken by my Japanese friend..thank you Seiji san!

“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” – Aldous Huxley

p/s: Marilah sama-sama berdoa supaya aku rajin update blog especially untuk entry Iran ni! hahaha..


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